If your licensed trade business takes payments via a PDQ card machines, a merchant cash advance for pubs and bars could be a great way to gain finance. We can help you discover the lender that’s right for you — quickly and easily, with no obligation. It’s often possible to set up a merchant cash advance within 24 hours.
Public houses, cafés, bars and restaurants can have a hard time securing traditional bank finance, but with a growing market of alternative lenders that specialise in the hospitality industry, it’s never been easier to get the funding you venue.
Alternative finance methods for Public Houses and Bars
The hospitality sector, including bars and public houses, can be a rewarding business for any business owner. Most businesses find themselves running into unexpected expenses, or discovering new opportunities for growing their company that require business loans. Instead of using traditional bank loans, why not seek the assistance of bar and pubic house alternative finance options, We offer merchant cash advances for pubs and bars, which can be used flexibly for whatever business need your business may have.
The advantages of bar and pub alternative finance
Public houses and bars are almost restricted whereby they have several financing options; brewery loans if they sacrifice some of their barrel-age, traditional bank credit, overdrafts and more. However these leave landlords and landladies obliged to buy from a particular brewery. PDQ Funding offer an alternative finance option to landlords and ladies will give you the flexibility to invest where your pub or bar needs it, such as renovations, expansion paying bills or something else entirely.
What is a Merchant Cash Advance for Pubs and Bars?
Simply put, it’s a friendly cash injection for your hospitality business, which you pay back only as you earn, through an agreed amount of your credit and debit card sales. It’s up to you what you spend it on, and unlike a loan, there’s no APR or fixed payments, just one simple cost which is agreed with you at the start. Better still, your home and assets are safe. The loan is not secured against the things which matter the most. Merchant cash advance for public houses are a great and quick short term lending product for the hospitality industry.
Pay back through your card transactions
Business Cash Advance of £5,000 – £200,000
No fixed monthly payments to worry about
We will agree with you upfront a cost for taking the merchant cash advance. We will then agree a percentage of your daily card takings which will be used to pay it back.
No fees, penalties or hidden charges. Ever.
You keep 100% of your cash income
In slow times, you pay back less and in good times you pay back more.
No other expenses (like legal or accounting set up fees)
How much can I borrow?
We typically advance up to one month’s card sales (so if you take £10k in card transactions, your maximum would be £10k)
If you feel that your bar or public house would benefit from a merchant cash advance for pubs and bars please complete the online enquiry form.